Synopsis: The Vienna Theatre Company hosts the fifth year of its Theater for Young Audiences initiative with a special production of The Emperor's Clothes , for 4 matinee performances only.
Audition Dates and Times: TBD
Click here to download the audition form
*All auditions and performances will be held at the
Vienna Community Center: 120 Cherry S. SE, Vienna VA 22081
Performance Dates:
Saturday April 26 and May 3 at 11am and 2 pm
Venue: Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry Street SE, Vienna
General Admission
$5.00 Children
$10.00 Adults
$8.00 Seniors
Tickets available at the door only
visit: or email [email protected] for more information
Audition Dates and Times: TBD
Click here to download the audition form
*All auditions and performances will be held at the
Vienna Community Center: 120 Cherry S. SE, Vienna VA 22081
Performance Dates:
Saturday April 26 and May 3 at 11am and 2 pm
Venue: Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry Street SE, Vienna
General Admission
$5.00 Children
$10.00 Adults
$8.00 Seniors
Tickets available at the door only
visit: or email [email protected] for more information